Monday, May 19, 2014

The Lady of Shallot?

So I started doing that Buzzfeed 2 week clean eating challenge (

I knew it would be a lot of work, but it's REALLY  a lot of work, especially since I have to do bird rescue on Wednesday, so I'll have to prep all of the lunches and snacks for Tuesday and Wednesday and take them to work on Tuesday. I'm on day 2....the verdict so far is:

A. I have discovered that I don't like kale
B. I have re-confirmed that I don't like quinoa. Both of these facts are going to make this a true 'challenge'
C. I have already spent $75 and I'm only on day 2. I'm honestly not sure if I'm going to be able to make it through this, financially
D. The rolled oats and almond milk thing? I thought it would be really good. It actually has the consistency of Elmer's glue, and it makes a TON of it. I didn't have time to eat the whole thing, so i brought the rest to work.  
E. That shaved asparagus salad is really fucking good, and it turned out to be a pretty reasonable facsimile of the picture they posted, which is a nice bonus.

So I'm feeling about 40% happy with this so far. I mean hopefully I'll lose some weight? At the very least I'm eating healthier, which can't be a bad thing. I am mildly concerned about Memorial Day, however, as that kind of crept up on me and I didn't realize it was at the midway point of this diet. Now if I can just work up the motivation to go for a run...