Thursday, May 21, 2015

Are You Eggsperienced?

Day 4

Not a lot of pictures from today because I had some leftovers and I didn’t actually make breakfast. Also, photographing a banana and some carrots is overkill. I’d give today a solid 4/5, diet food wise.



I had bird rescue this morning, which meant that I had to be awake at four a.m., which meant that there was no way in hell I was making breakfast. I had a banana.


Carrots and hummus


Leftover Roasted Vegetables with Shredded Chicken, Parsley, and Lemon

I left out the parsley and lemon because whatever. This was fine reheated.


Spaghetti Squash with Spinach, Parmesan, and a Fried Egg

This was also (somewhat surprisingly) really good. It’s fairly similar to the first spaghetti squash dish. Again, I had acorn squash because Jewel sucks at carrying things I need when I need them, and I tossed in the remaining ground turkey/tomato/spinach mix from the first incarnation of this. There were only about two tablespoons of it so I figured it wouldn’t add that much, calorie-wise. Tasty.

Bonus: I got props from my chef husband on what he referred to as ‘a perfect sunny egg’. He always complains about how hard it is to get egg orders correct, so I’m pretty proud of myself. It may not have translated super well on film as I had already plopped it on top of my squash mixture and I think some yolk leaked out the bottom, but it was a very pretty egg, originally. 

Night snack:

Almond Milk hot chocolate

This actually tastes really good, but the chocolate never seems to completely melt into the almond milk the way it does with real milk. I’m not exactly sure why this occurs, but it makes the drink a little weird and lumpy looking, and a lot of the unincorporated chocolate sticks to the sides of your mug. Aside from the consistency, it does a pretty good impression of real hot chocolate, with a nice nutty undertone from the almond milk. I didn’t take a picture.