Monday, March 16, 2015

Happy St. Patrick Swayze Day

Day 7 & 8 (Saturday and Sunday)

Well, Saturday was St. Patrick's Day, so that was obviously a total loss. Breakfast was eggs, hash browns, ham and toast….and a shitload of green beer. After that, we went to Chipotle, where I somehow mumbled out enough instructions to the annoyed employees behind the counter to acquire a burrito (I have no memory of what kind, but I pounded the entire thing in five minutes flat). After wandering through the drunken mess that was Wrigleyville at 1:30pm, I decided it would be wise to call it a day and head home, where I promptly fell asleep for three hours. When I woke up I felt surprisingly good, and probably should have attempted to eat better for dinner, but at that point I figured why bother and we got Dominos. 

The good thing about drinking early is you’re usually not hung over the next morning. Sunday was fine and I actually even managed to work out. Lunch was leftover potatoes and Brussels sprouts from a couple nights ago with an egg on top (sort of a hash/skillet kind of thing. It was good). I made turkey chili for dinner. Basically I just followed the directions on the packet of McCormick’s tex mex chili spice packet (I’m not sure if those are clean or not….probably not, but it’s just spices, so whatever). I used a can of kidney beans, a can of pinto beans, two 14oz cans of diced tomatoes, and 2 pounds of ground turkey. I also used about a half an onion and two cloves of garlic, and then threw in about a quarter of a chipotle pepper in adobo sauce. It was pretty damn good, and I now have a metric fuckton of it to see me through lunches this week (and probably next, I may freeze some actually). 

Lessons for the weekend:

1. I think I may officially be too old to start drinking at 9am on St. Patrick’s Day

2. That McDonald’s at the center of Wrigleyville is like a hub for criminal activity: No surprises there, really.

3. Dominos is never a good idea.

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