Monday, March 23, 2015

Lousy Smarch Weather

Thursday & Friday (Days 12 & 13)

Breakfasts: Strawberries and a banana

Lunches: Leftover soup and chili

Dinners: Tofu Lettuce Wraps and Potbellys (Fail)

Well, I made it (sort of). I didn’t cheat all that much, and as of today I’ve lost 10 pounds total since January. Now it’s just a matter of keeping up the will power. I think I will attempt to eat clean more often; I bought my first spaghetti squash, which I will try next week. I’ll keep you posted on the results of that. Otherwise, I think it’s really just a matter of portion control. The tofu lettuce wraps were actually really good, but my husband marinated the tofu so I have no idea what was in it and so, unfortunately, I can’t share the recipe.

This weekend was an epic fail as far as the diet goes. Saturday we went to this amazing hole in the wall Cuban/Colombian restaurant in the back of a grocery store where I had chicken with yellow rice and fried plantains, and an empanada on the side. I was so full from this that I didn’t actually eat dinner, so maybe Saturday wouldn’t have actually been that bad if I hadn’t gone out Saturday night and had like 6 beers. Sunday I ordered Thai for lunch and Jimmy John’s for dinner. I guess I’ll be back on the wagon Monday; I have more strawberries and chili.

In other news, my March Madness bracket this year was anally raped this weekend. There’s 10 bucks I’ll never see again. Oh, and it’s snowing. Like….a LOT. It’s March 23rd. I get snow in March, I’m from Buffalo; it’s not that surprising. But this is a LOT of snow in March. I’m talking several inches, and it’s still really coming down out there. Lousy Smarch weather.

Lessons for the week:

1. Fatty can’t resist the lure of yellow rice and empanadas

2. I actually know someone who was on Intervention, and it turns out that her episode is my friend’s favorite episode. He was super excited that I knew her. Why I am friends with a person who has favorite episodes of Intervention is beyond me.

3. Apparently Barbie and Ken broke up and Barbie is dating some Australian dude named Blaine? This information was bestowed upon me by the same friend who loves Intervention. He is a many-faceted individual.

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